Journal of Medical Internet Research (Nov 2019)

From a Digital Bottle: A Message to Ourselves in 2039

  • Jadad, Alejandro R,
  • Jadad Garcia, Tamen M

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 11
p. e16274


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We are fully aware that we could have wasted our time writing this message, as nobody might read it. Even those who read it might ignore it, and those who read and care about it might be unable to do anything. It may simply be too late. Nevertheless, this message describes the hopes we had back in 1999, imagining how the incredible digital tools whose birth we were witnessing, could change the world for the better. In 2019, when we wrote these words, we were saddened to realize that most of what we had imagined and proposed in the past 20 years could have been written the day before, without losing an iota of relevance. Whoever or whatever you might be, dear reader—a human, a sentient machine, or a hybrid—we would like you to understand that, rather than an attempt to predict the future, which probably continues to be an impossible endeavor, this message was meant to act as an invitation, regardless of when or where it is found, to engage in a conversation that has already transcended time and space, even if the issues it contains have become irrelevant.