Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi (Sep 2007)

Women's Knowledge And Attitude About Osteoporosis At Kayseri Melikgazi Health Group Headship’s - Original Investigation

  • Rıza Çıtıl,
  • Murat Özdemir,
  • Serpil Poyrazoğlu,
  • Elçin Balcı,
  • Mualla Aykut,
  • Yusuf Öztürk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 3
pp. 60 – 66


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Aim: At the present day osteoporosis is an important subject of public health concern. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder, which is characterized by increased bone fragility and increased fracture risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate women’s knowledge and attitude about osteoporosis. Patients and Method: The study was performed in 2006 at Kayseri Melikgazi Health Group Headship’s 14 village clinic area on 800 women over 18 years old who accepted to join this study. İt is performed by home visits with a descriptive questionnaire which concernes knowledge, attitude and risk factors about osteporosis. Results: Women merge in the study, 74.6% is at 18-49 age group, 49.0% is first and second degree graduated, 83.5% is housewife and 29.8% is at menaposis. Women’s knowledge level about osteoporosis is low, knowledge level is on increase with education levels increase and it is significant and it decreases significantly by the age increases (p<0.05). 12.3% of the participants (98 women) reported a diagnosis of osteoporosis. 15.0% of the women reported daily regular exercise and walk. 11.5% of the women reported have previously fracture history and 84.8% of the fractures related to crash. There are no statistical differences between diagnosis of osteoporosis and, color of skin and body structure. The most common knowledge source about osteoporosis is television and radio. Most taken medicines to osteoporosis are calcium and vitamin D. Conclusion: Basic approach at osteoporosis is protection, therefore it must be focused on education to raise women’s knowledge level about osteoporosis. Health professionals must act more in this head, and all should be educated about osteoporosis risk factors, diagnose, threatment and complications. (From the World of Osteoporosis 2007;13:60-6)
