Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan (Oct 2022)
The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in Indonesia: A Triangle Approach
This study aims to analyze the model for measuring the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education carried out in tertiary institutions by taking into account the variables that influence it. The variables identified in this study are Entrepreneurship Learning Effectiveness, Entrepreneurial Barriers, Entrepreneurial Competence, and Entrepreneurial Intentions/Interests. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory survey method. The research design used a survey (descriptive and correlational). The tool used to test the relationship between variables is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The population of this study was students of the University of Education Indonesia who were still actively studying, totaling 27,082 students. The sample in this study was selected using Nonprobability Sampling. The sampling technique chosen in Nonprobability Sampling is a purposive sampling technique, which is a sampling technique for data sources with certain considerations. The criteria used are UPI Bandung students who are currently or have taken entrepreneurship courses in every faculty at UPI. With the sampling technique using the Solvin formula, a sample of 394 people was obtained spread over several academic units. The results show that with the Triangle approach the effectiveness of entrepreneurship learning in universities in Indonesia is positively influenced by entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial intentions, negatively influenced by entrepreneurial barriers. This finding implies that to increase the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in higher education, it is necessary to increase entrepreneurial competence and entrepreneurial intention among students. This can be done through entrepreneurship education by the increasing practice where students not only learn theory but directly enter the world of entrepreneurship, so they can be motivated to set up new businesses. In addition, sharing experiences with practitioners also needs to be improved because it can change the mindset of students to become entrepreneurs.