Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications (Jun 2022)
Exploring the Potential of Alginate-Gelatin-Diethylaminoethyl Cellulose-Fibrinogen based Bioink for 3D Bioprinting of Skin Tissue Constructs
Designing printable bioinks for 3D bioprinting capable of supporting cellular viability with post-printing functionality remains challenging. Native ECM offers several physical, chemical, and biological cues that are difficult to restore using only a single component. Herein, we have optimized a multicomponent-based bioink formulation comprising alginate (ALG), gelatin (GEL), diethylaminoethyl cellulose (DCEL) and fibrinogen (FIB), termed as ALG-GEL-DCEL-FIB bioink for potential application in bioprinting and biofabrication of skin tissue equivalents. The designed formulation was extensively studied for its printability, physico-chemical, rheological, and biocompatibility properties. Excellent printability, shape fidelity and cell-laden tissue equivalent printing were established using the RegenHu 3D Discovery Bioprinter. The human primary fibroblast and keratinocyte-laden bioprinted constructs exhibited good cell viability. Long term culture of 4 weeks comprising 5 days of air-liquid-interphase followed by 21 days of submerged culture produced biomimetic tissue histology in the ALG-GEL-DCEL-FIB bioink printed constructs. Specific epidermal-dermal marker expressions proving functionality were evident in immunohistochemical, biochemical and gene expression analysis. The ALG-GEL-DCEL-FIB bioink may be explored further for potential biofabrication and therapeutic applications.