Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2022)
Bibliographical Reference Skovorodiana in Independent Ukraine (Analytical Review)
The purpose of the article: in the context of modern methodological developments to investigate bibliographic indexes dedicated to Hryhorii Skovoroda, which appeared in the Ukrainian state; to establish their scientific and informational value and ergonomics both for scientists and for a wide range of non-specialists. The research methodology consists of historical, bibliographic-review and critical analytical scientific methods for these publications and their genre-style paradigm and ideological load. Scientific novelty. The study of historical and bibliographic frying pan with the help of new theoretical and methodological principles is one of the urgent tasks of modern bibliography. The development of Ukrainian bibliography provides an opportunity to better understand its national features, bibliographic facts and phenomena, to learn the heritage of prominent bibliographers of the pastto implement their ideas, to enrich the national bibliographic science, Ukrainian bibliography. It was during the years of independent Ukraine that scholars in creasingly turned to the origins of national culture, one of the key figures of which is Hryhorii Skovoroda. Conclusions. During the years of existence of independent Ukraine, the biobibliography has undergone significant changes and developments in the direction of European requirements and trends. Due to the growing needs of the modern reader and the stable demand for frying pan research, Ukrainian bibliographers are making every effort to meet them. The information content, structure, methodological and source base of the researched publications have their own peculiarities. It is safe to say that each of them is a significant contribution to the Ukrainian frying pan.