Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
“Health does not discuss trans bodies”: Oral History of transsexuals and transvestites
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ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the life stories and itineraries of transvestites and transsexuals in health services. Methods: study with a qualitative approach, anchored in the methodological framework of Oral History. Interviews were conducted and thematically analyzed. Results: two themes emerged: 1) gender and sexuality in life stories; and 2) the trajectories in health services. These revealed the challenges in the process of recognizing gender identity before the family and society. The reports show the dilemmas that transsexuals and transvestites face in health care, which ends up generating the removal of this population from services. Final Considerations: it has been demonstrated that Oral History can increase knowledge, especially about life histories and trajectories in the health services of transvestites and transsexuals; in addition, information was offered that can assist managers and health professionals in making decisions or caring for these people.