Репродуктивная эндокринология (Dec 2019)
Comparative evaluation of the efficiency of complex bioactive indol and vitex-containing medicines in treatment of dishormonal dysplasia of the mammary glands
Purpose of study. Comparison the efficacy of therapy of fibrocystic breast disease (FBD) in women of reproductive age with different complex bioactive indole-containing and vitex-containing drugs. Materials and methods. The study involved 80 patients with FBD who received Epigalin Brest (Group I, 40 women) and Depapillin (Group II, 40 women). Methods of study included anthropometry, hormonal profile, ultrasound examination of the breast and pelvic organs, mastodin score. Results and discussion. By ultrasound characteristics diffuse dyshormonal mammary dysplasia was prevalent among patients of Groups I and II. By the degree of severity of mastopathy patients were divided into groups evenly. Hormonal examinations revealed the presence of relative hyperestrogenia, hypoprogesteroneemia and transient hyperprolactinemia. Three months later a complete reduction in pain was obtained in 70.0% patients of Group I and 37.5% of Group II. After 6 months 90.0% patients of Group I and 75.0% patients of Group II noted the absence of mastalgia. Positive ultrasound changes after a three-month course of therapy in 81.8% patients of Group I with diffuse mastopathy with predominance of the glandular component and 73.7% of Group II were characterized by the lack of visualization of hypertrophied glandular lobules, enlarged milk ducts, but complete months only occurred in patients of Group I (100.0%). Conclusions. A comparative study demonstrated the high efficacy of the complex bioactive drug Epigalin Brest: clinical efficacy with complete reduction of pain in 70.0% patients after three months and 90.0% after six months of therapy. The undeniable advantages of Epigalin Brest are the presence of 3,3-diindolylmethane, which is a finished product of indole-3-carbinol conversion, characterized by higher bioavailability and stability, which provides a pronounced clinical effect and a clear dosage of epigallocatechin-3-gallate.