Ķazaķstannyṇ Klinikalyķ Medicinasy (Aug 2021)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-invasive instrumental diagnostics in the detection of urolithiasis
Aim: To assess the effectiveness of non-invasive instrumental diagnostics in the detection of urolithiasis, particularly ultrasonography and computed tomography. Materials and methods. Ultrasonic diagnosis and computed tomography were performed in 78 and 104 patients, respectively. All patients were diagnosed with urolithiasis of different localization. The study was conducted at the Regional Clinical Hospital of Shymkent city for the period 2017-2018. Also, a study of medical documentation and questionary observations were carried out with subsequent statistical processing. Results. Various calculi were detected in 27 patients using ultrasonography in addition to the other symptoms of urolithiasis: change in the size and configuration of the kidney, the expansion of the pyelocaliceal complex and compaction of the parenchyma of the affected organ. 48.3% of the total number of stones were found on the right kidney, the remaining stones (51.7%) were found in the left kidney. In the upper, middle and lower groups of pyramids there were detected 10.7%, 32.2% and 28.6% of calculi, respectively. In the pelvis of the right and left kidneys, 17.8% and 10% calculi were found, respectively, and in the calyx-pelvis complex of the right (10.7%) and left (20%) kidneys. Conclusion. The analysis of the effectiveness of the ultrasound and computed tomography was demonstrated that the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of computed tomography were higher than these parameters of ultrasound, which was also confirmed by the results of computation of the receiver operating characteristic curve and the area under this curve.