Jurnal Agripet (Apr 2023)

Kualitas Spermatozoa Sapi Simmental pada Pengencer TRIS dengan Kuning Telur dan Waktu Equilibrasi yang Berbeda

  • Yendraliza Yendraliza,
  • Ahmaddyan Sitorus,
  • Muhammad Rodiallah,
  • Zumarni Zumarni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 1
pp. 1 – 8


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ABSTRACT. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat kualitas spermatozoa sapi Simmental pada pengencer tris kuning telur yang berasal dari tiga jenis unggas dengan variasi waktu equilibrasi. Semen ditampung menggunakan vagina buatan dari 2 ekor sapi Simmental dari BIB Tuah Sakato, Payakumbuh, Sumatera Barat. Penampungan dilakukan pagi hari, 1 x seminggu selama 10 minggu. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dua faktor. Faktor pertama Jenis kuning telur yang digunakan (Puyuh, Ayam, dan Itik) dan faktor kedua adalah waktu equilibrasi (2, 3 dan 4 jam). Titik optimum ditentukan dengan uji regresi. Parameter diukur setelah thawing meliputi motilitas, viabilitas, abnormalitas, membrane plasma utuh dan recovery rate. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan kuning telur asal ternak ayam menghasilkan motilitas 65.33%, viabilitas 67.7%, abnormalitas 15%, MPU 50% dan nilai recovery rate 87.11%, kuning telur itik menghasilkan motilitas 67%, viabilitas 72%, abnormalitas 12%, MPU 54%, dan recovery rate 89.5% dan kuning telur puyuh menghasilkan motilitas 65.00%, viabilitas 70.67%, abnormalitas 13.33%, MPU 51.33% dan nilai recovery rate 86.67%. Kesimpulan penggunaan telur itik dalam pengencer tris pada spermatozoa sapi Simmental dengan waktu equilibrasi 2 jam lebih baik dari waktu equilibrasi 3 dan 4 jam. (The quality of Simmental cattle sperm in TRIS diluent with different egg yolks and equilibration times) ABSTRAK. Aim of this research was to conduct the quality of sperm Simmental bull in egg yolk tris diluent from three types of poultry with variations in the equilibration time. Semen is collected using an artificial vagina from 2 Simmental cows from BIB Tuah Sakato, Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. The semen is carried out in the morning, once a week for 10 weeks. The experiment was design with two factor Randomized Block Design (RBD). The first factor was the type of egg yolk used and the second factor was the equilibration time. The optimum point is determined by regression. Parameters measured after thawing included motility, viability, abnormalities, intact plasma membrane and recovery rate. The results showed that using of chicken in 65.33% motility, 67.7% viability, 15% abnormality, 50% integrity membrane plasma, and 87.11% recovery rate; duck egg yolk resulted in 67% motility, 72% viability, 12% abnormality, 54% integrity membrane plasma, and 89.5% recovery rate; quail egg yolk resulted 65% motility, 70.67% viability, 12% abnormality, 51.33% integrity membrane plasma, and 86.67% recovery rate; The conclusion is that the use of duck eggs in tris diluent with a equilibration time of 2 hours is better than 3 and 4 hours for bull Simmental spermatozoa.
