(Dec 2017)
METAFORY W CZESKICH PRZEKŁADACH WIERSZY BOLESŁAWA LEŚMIANA. UJĘCIE PORÓWNAWCZE [Metaphors in the translations of Boesław Leśmian’s poems into Czech language. A comparative approach]
This article attempts to characterize the way four translators, who dealt with the work of the Polish poet, translated his metaphors into Czech. A comparative analysis of the solutions adopted by Vlasta Dvořáčková, Iveta Mikešova, Jan Pilař and František Kvapil shows how important rhyme and rhythm are in Leśmian’s works and how translational decisions influence the semantic layer of a poem in the target language. For the analysis of metaphorical expressions, I use the theory of concept metaphor introduced by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors we live by.