RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries (Dec 2024)
Clinical efficacy of epidural injection of betamethasone in dogs with lumbosacral stenosis
Results of conservative treatment of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in dogs are presented. For the first time, clinical efficacy of epidural injection of anti-inflammatory drug Diprospan (betamethasone) in dogs with lumbosacral stenosis was shown. 32 animals were treated at VetProfAlliance Veterinary Surgery Center from 2023 to June 2024. Comparable data in case histories and feedback for evaluating treatment outcomes were established with the owners of 22 dogs. 22 case histories were analyzed. To exclude possible concomitant orthopedic pathologies, X-ray examination of knee and hock joints in mediolateral projection and hip joints in ventrodorsal projection was performed. Patients with discospondylitis at lumbosacral level were excluded from the study group. All dogs with lumbosacral stenosis belonged to large and giant dog breeds. The age of clinical symptoms is from 6 to 11 years old, and breed variability to this disease was also noted. Males predominate by gender - 59% (13/22). At the same time, 69% (9/13) of males were castrated and 78% (7/9) of females were sterilized. 32% (7/22) of dogs in this group were obese, and 50% (11/22) were overweight. Studies have found that Diprospan injections with 2030 days interval can completely neutralize neurological symptoms in 50% of dogs with 14 degrees of neurological disorders caused by lumbosacral stenosis. In 22 out of 32 dogs, the result of treatment was assessed as positive with improvement in condition or achievement of complete remission.