International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (Dec 2020)
Resource Allocation for Efficient IOT Application in Fog Computing
When it comes across problems in creating Internet of Things (IOT) architecture, the major problem that arises is an automatic stipulation of resources. At the same time in today’s era, it is very important to integrate this problem with better Quality of Services (QoS) because of which the cloud computing is taking a shift. As being well acquainted that in fog computing, network’s bandwidth is limited, therefore it becomes quite important to build a joint architecture with resource allocation problem giving it a better quality of services with enhanced efficiency and low latency communication. Priority of QoS is determined by Systematic Ladder Process (SLP) and decision parameter evaluation by RECK algorithm. In this paper, there will be a design of a better framework for IOT resource allocation scheme with better efficiency and better QoS. The paper too highlights the comparison of the previous works of the resource allocation algorithms and schemes with RECK algorithm.