Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (Feb 2023)
A Classical-Post Keynesian critique on neoclassical environmentally-adjusted multifactor productivity
ABSTRACT The aim of the article is to critically analyze Environmentally-Adjusted Multifactor Productivity (EAMP), by considering the Classical-Post-keynesian environmental framework Ecological Macroeconomics, integrated with the Evolutionary Environmental Economics. The paper introduces EAMP as rooted in in neoclassical economics and derived from Cobb-Douglas function with natural resources built by Solow (1974). I present theoretical critiques of EAMP’s neoclassical assumptions by developing perspectives from heterodox Ecological Macroconomics literature. Finally, I discuss the shortcomings of EAMP’s conceptual framework, making specific reference to the policy debate on Porter Hypothesis. The article puts in evidence how the assumptions of constant returns to scale, perfect competition and perfect input substitutability seriously alter the meaning and promise of sustainability policy. The analysis indicates that EAMP is a poor instrument to study complex issues regarding the promotion and effectiveness of green innovations and should therefore be abandoned to face the great challenges regarding the process of ecological transformation.