Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao (Jun 2024)
Register transfer level hardware design information flow modeling and security verification method
Information flow analysis can effectively model the security behavior and security properties of hardware design. However, the existing gate level information flow analysis methods cannot deal with large-scale designs due to computing power and verification effectiveness, and the register transfer level (RTL) information flow analysis methods require formal languages to rewrite hardware designs. This paper proposes a RTL hardware design information flow modeling and security verification method. Based on the RTL functional model, this method develops an information flow tracking logical model to model security behavior and security properties of RTL hardware designs from the perspective of information flow. This method can be integrated into EDA flows and uses EDA testing and verification tools to capture security property violations and detect security vulnerabilities based on non-interference security policy. The results on experiments with Trust-Hub hardware Trojan benchmarks show that the proposed method can effectively detect hardware Trojans.