Naučno-tehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki i Optiki (Feb 2020)
Subject of Research. The paper presents the reasons for transition to digital energy and the development of intelligent electrical networks. We study the impact of global and local challenges in the framework of the development of digital energy areas and smart electric networks in Russia on the socio-economic and technological sectors of the country. The practices used in developed and developing countries are evaluated for support and stimulation of the state innovation policy and private investments. Method. Comparative analysis of measures was carried out for support and stimulation of innovative activities of the fuel and energy complex in the framework of economy digital transformation concept in the USA, the European Union, Asia and Russia. We gave an expert assessment of the impact of global challenges in the framework of the chosen research area on the Russian society social and technological side of life. Main Results. Evaluation model has been developed for assessing the impact of global challenges on technological development in the field of digital technologies and smart energy. Analysis of the internal and external causes of the transition to digital energy and the development of intelligent electrical networks is carried out. The existing and perspective technologies of digital transformation of the electric grid complex for the perspective until 2030 are compared; advanced and outsider technologies are highlighted. The potential growth points of domestic and foreign power grid companies in the near and long term are identified. Key tools and measures for support of innovative businesses are grouped by the degree of their impact on the implementation of digital technologies and smart systems in the energy sector. Practical Relevance. Recommendations are formulated on the implementation of policies in the field of digital energy and smart electric networks for the Russian Federation based on the analysis of the best practices for the introduction of digital technologies in the energy sector, as well as on evaluation of the effectiveness of tools for support and stimulation of innovative activity in the industry.