Sistemnì Doslìdženâ ta Informacìjnì Tehnologìï (Dec 2023)
Novel modified kernel fuzzy c-means algorithm used for cotton leaf spot detection
Image segmentation is a significant and difficult subject that is a prerequisite for both basic image analysis and sophisticated picture interpretation. In image analysis, picture segmentation is crucial. Several different applications, including those related to medicine, facial identification, Cotton disease diagnosis, and map object detection, benefit from image segmentation. In order to segment images, the clustering approach is used. The two types of clustering algorithms are Crisp and Fuzzy. Crisp clustering is superior to fuzzy clustering. Fuzzy clustering uses the well-known FCM approach to enhance the results of picture segmentation. KFCM technique for image segmentation can be utilized to overcome FCM’s shortcomings in noisy and nonlinear separable images. In the KFCM approach, the Gaussian kernel function transforms high-dimensional, nonlinearly separable data into linearly separable data before applying FCM to the data. KFCM is enhancing noisy picture segmentation results. KFCM increases the accuracy rate but ignores neighboring pixels. The Modified Kernel Fuzzy C-Means approach is employed to get over this problem. The NMKFCM approach enhances picture segmentation results by including neighboring pixel information into the objective function. This suggested technique is used to find “blackarm” spots on cotton leaves. A fungal leaf disease called “blackarm” leaf spot results in brown leaves with purple borders. The bacterium can harm cotton plants, causing angular leaf blotches that range in color from red to brown.