مطالعات راهبردی جامعهشناختی در ورزش (Dec 2022)
Sports and social reflections from the perspective of "Marcel Mouss"
Objective: What follows is an overview of the views and ideas of Marcel Mouss, the conqueror of the new land of sports sociology.A land where man is called the product of his body and it is thought that all techniques of the body are the result of the cultural context and the process of socialization, and physical activitys are closely related to culture and social system."Mars Mouss" is the conqueror of a land that heralds the entry of social science into the field of physical activity as well as games and sporting events, thus laying the foundation for the sociology of sport.Methodology: The research method of this study is based on the nature of the subject of documents, and accordingly, the library technique was used to collect information.Results: In this article, first a brief look at the life and works of this French sociologist and then his theoretical application in the field of games and sports is explained and the foundations of his thoughts in the field of emerging science of sports sociology are examined and then the foundation is explained. His ideas about total social realities, including games and sports, are theoretically emphasized by focusing on the article "Techniques crops" and focus on human nature and the nature of physical techniques, as well as human emotions, all of which have a cultural flavor and a common sociological element. He follows the name "habitus", and finally analyzes the games using the" Potlatch" Customs which "Marcel Mouss" borrowed from the natives of the East Coast, and claims that according to this Customs, the primitive tribes have human motivation and purpose.Conclusion: The game is not just about financial gain, but also non-economic goals, including strengthening relationships and promoting social status.