APL Photonics (Jun 2017)

Optical frequency comb generation by pulsed pumping

  • Marcin Malinowski,
  • Ashutosh Rao,
  • Peter Delfyett,
  • Sasan Fathpour

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 6
pp. 066101 – 066101-6


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A synchronously pumped Kerr cavity is proposed and studied for power-efficient frequency comb generation in optical microring resonators. The system is modeled using the Lugiato-Lefever equation. Analytical solutions are provided for an ideal case and extended by numerical methods to account for optical loss and higher orders of dispersion. It is shown that the average power requirement is reduced by the duty cycle of the pulse with respect to the conventional continuous-wave-pumped microrings, and it is significantly lower than the pulsed pumping of straight waveguides.