Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France (Oct 2019)

Une occupation continue du Hallstatt D2 à La Tène A1 entre Beauce et Gâtinais. Escrennes, ZAC Saint Eutrope (Loiret)

  • Florent Mercey,
  • Francesca Di Napoli,
  • Grégory Bayle,
  • Bénédicte Pradat,
  • Armelle Prévot

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 58


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The research on the site of the urban development zone “Saint Eutrope”, Escrennes, some kilometers south of Pithiviers, allowed the discovering of a first Iron age settlement. The main remains are around thirty silos with complex fills, as well as nine houses or granaries. The many ceramic furniture give evidences of the continuation of the occupation from Hallstatt D1 to Hallstatt D3, and its developpment. The archéozoologic study brings a lot of information concerning the agro-pastoral practices and allow to follow partially the evolution of the breeding. The increase of the meat-based consumption and a more important implication of the pork are two examples of these variations. Finally, the carpological study complete the information already collected regionally for the end of first Iron age and the beginning of la Tène, allowing to place the site of Escrennes in a homogeneous regional dynamic.
