Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2017)
Competências de matemática e de literacia emergente: Estudo correlacional
It has been well documented the importance of the imp lementation of preschool interventions tha t facilitate the development of oral language, phonological awareness, written language and math skills, as well as the n eed of an early identification of children at educational risk. The aim of the present study is to examine the relatio nship betwe en children ’s competence in o ral langua ge, phonological awareness, written language and mathematic competencies in preschool years. A total of 99 children p articipated in this study. Correlational analysis was used t o understand the relation betwee n the variable s in the study. The results suggest th at o ral language, phonologica l awareness, written langu age and mathema tic compe tencies are correlated. No stati stical differences were found among boys and girls. These findings suggest that the growth in these skills may be related to contextu al influences. These findings highlig hted the implications to psychological evaluation and for pedagogic practice.