Automatika (Jan 2020)
A DCT domain smart vicinity reliant fragile watermarking technique for DIBR 3D-TV
This work presents a vicinity reliant intelligent fragile watermarking scheme for depth image-based rendering technique used for three-dimensional television. Depth map of a centre image is implicitly inserted in the block-based discrete cosine transform (DCT) of the same using an aggregate, which also takes into account the presence of its neighbourhood blocks. Based upon the parity of a Boolean operation on the aggregate, parity is modulated which implicitly embeds the watermark. Genetic algorithm is then utilized to select the appropriate frequency bands in the DCT domain to become eligible for watermark embedding based on imperceptibility requirements. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed scheme in terms of its resistance against a set of fragile watermarking attacks and its ability to detect and localize tempering attempts.