Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Dec 2012)
Progress and setbacks obstetrical nursing in Brazil
Objectives: to describe the trajectory of midwifery in Brazil over the decades through a literature review. Methods: literature narrative review. Results: from the recent concept of humanization in the process of midwife, nurse midwife's work became more ordered as it was perceived, over the years, serious problems with excessive and unnecessary medicalization in childbirth, which proposed changes in urgent care model, especially in low-risk, as well as changes in the formulation and implementation of public policies related to obstetric context. Conclusion: after analyzing the course of nursing in the field of obstetrics, there is a considerable advance in this area of work of nursing in Brazil, mainly confirmed by the law creating the professional and national programs that encourage the inclusion of obstetric nurses in several areas of health