Neural Regeneration Research (Jan 2015)
Motor function outcomes of pediatric patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after rehabilitation treatment: a diffusion tensor imaging study
- Jin Hyun Kim,
- Yong Min Kwon,
- Su Min Son
- Jin Hyun Kim
- Yong Min Kwon
- Su Min Son
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10,
no. 4
pp. 624 – 630
Previous diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies regarding pediatric patients with motor dysfunction have confirmed the correlation between DTI parameters of the injured corticospinal tract and the severity of motor dysfunction. There is also evidence that DTI parameters can help predict the prognosis of motor function of patients with cerebral palsy. But few studies are reported on the DTI parameters that can reflect the motor function outcomes of pediatric patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after rehabilitation treatment. In the present study, 36 pediatric patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy were included. Before and after rehabilitation treatment, DTI was used to measure the fiber number (FN), fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of bilateral corticospinal tracts. Functional Level of Hemiplegia scale (FxL) was used to assess the therapeutic effect of rehabilitative therapy on clinical hemiplegia. Correlation analysis was performed to assess the statistical interrelationship between the change amount of DTI parameters and FxL. DTI findings obtained at the initial and follow-up evaluations demonstrated that more affected corticospinal tract yielded significantly decreased FN and FA values and significantly increased ADC value compared to the less affected corticospinal tract. Correlation analysis results showed that the change amount of FxL was positively correlated to FN and FA values, and the correlation to FN was stronger than the correlation to FA. The results suggest that FN and FA values can be used to evaluate the motor function outcomes of pediatric patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after rehabilitation treatment and FN is of more significance for evaluation.
- spinal cord injury
- propriospinal system
- neural plasticity
- fiber sprouting
- neural repair
- compensation
- regeneration
- propriospinal detours
- neurotrophic factors
- cell-adhesive ligands
- dorsal root ganglia
- nerve growth factor
- biomaterials
- elastin-like proteins
- Alzheimer′s disease
- apoptosis
- autophagy
- central nervous system
- CCN4
- diabetes mellitus
- erythropoietin
- IGF-1
- mTOR
- neuron
- neuropathy
- oxidative stress
- psychiatric
- stem cells
- Wnt
- peripheral nerve injury
- nerve graft
- nerve conduit
- Wallerian degeneration
- neurotrophic factors
- veins
- autografts
- nerve regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- neuroprotection
- resveratrol
- cerebral ischemia
- cerebral infarction
- matrix metalloproteinase
- molecular docking
- extracellular matrix
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- vagus nerve stimulation
- cerebral ischemia
- inflammatory cytokines
- infarct volume
- neurological function
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- Xingnao Kaiqiao needling method
- ischemic stroke
- randomized controlled trial
- systemic reviews
- meta-analysis
- long-term efficacy
- mortality
- recurrence
- disability
- adverse reactions
- health economics indicators
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- cerebral ischemia
- hippocampus
- blood flow
- isolated basilar artery
- dose-response curve
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- traumatic brain injury
- coma
- median nerve electrical stimulation
- wake-promoting
- orexin-A
- OX1R
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- seizure
- antiepileptic drugs
- immature brain
- hippocampus
- synaptic plasticity
- glutamate receptor
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- puerarin
- in vitro experiments
- co-culture
- neurons
- astrocytes
- Transwell
- neonatal rats
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- inflammatory reaction
- interleukin-6
- voltage-gated Na + channel
- cortical neurons
- cerebrospinal fluid
- neuroimmunomodulation
- neuroprotection
- action potential
- patch clamp
- neurophysiology
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- cognition disorders
- diagnostic techniques
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale
- event-related potential
- neuronal plasticity
- electrophysiology
- neuropsychology
- activity of daily living
- work capacity evaluation
- electroencephalogram
- neural regeneration
- NSFC grant
- nerve regeneration
- cerebral palsy
- corticospinal tract
- diffusion tensor
- hemiplegia
- motor
- rehabilitation
- neural regeneration