Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat (Dec 2018)

A prototipikus (poláris) antonimák. Kognitív nyelvészeti javaslat elmélet és empíria összehangolására

  • Kugler Nóra

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5
pp. 159 – 180


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The paper highlights the fact that despite its fundamental importance, antonymy has not received the attention it deserves in Hungarian semantic research. Based on data reported in the literature, the construal of polar antonymy (e.g. magas – alacsony ’high’ – ’low’, erős – gyenge ’strong’ – ’weak’; meleg – hideg ’hot’ – ’cold’, vidám – szomorú ’happy’ – ’sad’; okos – buta ’clever’ – ’dull’, kedves – undok ’kind/nice’ – ’rude’) is taken to involve not only an evaluative stance but also force-dynamic and spatial relations at a more basic level of processing. Foregrounded to varying degrees, all three domains may be activated upon the comprehension of linguistic expressions. The paper presents three experimental designs requiring further elaboration and implementation for the empirical study of polar antonymy on Hungarian material. The experiments focus on such issues as semantic orientation, the relationships that hold between the poles and between their alternate construals, and affinities between polarity and the construal of space.
