In Situ (Mar 2024)
L’étiquetage patrimonial des marques de mode
The archives of fashion brands are preserved methodically in order to keep a testimony to the brand’s past activities. But these archives are today the object of particular and multiple forms of media coverage which aim at increasing and legitimising the value of a given couture or ready-to-wear house. The heritage labelling these archives underpin consists first of all in giving the brand a higher profile by their exposure and by the invention of a narrative, notablya digital one. This labelling phenomenon is then pursued in physical locations that materialise the brand’s identity and inscribe its historic character in the public space. And, last but not least, these archives can play a role in revamping the values associated with the brand. These objects display their symbolic dimensions and express their commercial value, inspiring contemporary creation and providing resources for the second-hand market in luxury goods.