Case Reports in Oncology (Nov 2023)

Retroperitoneal Hematoma as an Atypical Presentation of Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report

  • Truce Pham,
  • Danica Lapid,
  • Kathleen M. Schmeler,
  • J. Alejandro Rauh-Hain,
  • Mateo G. Leon

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1
pp. 1274 – 1279


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A 38-year-old female with an etonogestrel implant in place and history of previous ectopic pregnancy presented with acute abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. She was found to have a beta-hCG of >12,000 mIU/mL and free fluid noted on a focused assessment with sonography in trauma exam. She underwent an emergent diagnostic laparoscopy due to the suspicion of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Findings at the time of surgery included a normal-appearing uterus and left fallopian tube, a surgically absent right fallopian tube and large volume hemoperitoneum with a rapidly expanding left retroperitoneal hematoma. A postoperative computerized tomography (CT) angiogram suggested active bleeding from a pseudoaneurysm of the left renal artery which was successfully embolized by interventional radiology. Biopsy confirmed gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) after metastases to the brain. In this report, we describe the details of this case of GTN with an atypical presentation.
