Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación (Oct 2018)
Ten Factors for Quality Education for All in XXI Century
This document carries out an analysis of the ten factors that affect the construction of an quality education for all in XXI century:Factor 1: The personal and social center of the education. Factor 2: The conviction, considers and self-esteem of the involved layers. Factor 3: The ethical and professional strength of the teachers. Factor 4: The management of the directors and the intermediate personnel. Factor 5: The team work in the school and the educative system. Factor 6: The alliances between schools and other agents. Factor 7: Curricula in all educative levels. Factor 8: The amount, quality and availability of educative materials. Factor 9: The plurality and the quality of the didactic. Factor 10: The material minimums and the socioeconomic and cultural incentives.Original reference:Braslavsky, C. (2004). Diez factores para una Educación de Calidad para Todos en el siglo XXI. Documento presentado a la Semana Monográfica Santillana, Madrid-Noviembre 2004.