Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica (Sep 2023)
Stress–dilatancy behaviour of remoulded Fujinomori clay
The effect of the degree of consolidation and the stress path on the behaviour of remoulded Fujinomori clay for drained triaxial compression and extension was analysed using the Frictional State Concept. It is shown that the stress–dilatancy behaviour can be approximated by a linear general dilatancy equation given by the critical frictional state angle and two soil parameters. The newly formulated dilatant failure state is represented on the stress ratio plastic dilatancy plane by points lying on the friction state line defined by the friction state angle and the Friction State Concept parameters α=0 and β=1. It has been shown that the stress ratio–plastic dilatancy relationship, which is very rarely used in the interpretation of test results, is important for a complete description of the behaviour of soils during shearing.