JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) (Sep 2018)

The Learning of Business Principles Meaning Model Improve as an Effort to Improve Active Interaction and Critical Thinking for Students of Marketing vocational High School

  • Agung Wirnarno,
  • Ayu Mauliana Agustin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 53 – 61


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This research has a purpose to result a product like business principles learning module which bases an improvement to improve the students of Pemasaran Vocational High School.It is started by need analysis and ended by testing for the user.The result of research shows that this module can guide students to think more critically to find new concepts about about a material being learnt, happening an active interaction among students and feedback,upgrading,and enrichment activity where students have a full role in learning activity.Besides having expediency to be applied,Improve -based module can create learning which is more meaningful for students
