Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия (Oct 2015)
Cerebrocardial manifestations in patients with acute cerebral failure of different origin: differential diagnosis and therapeutic strategy (clinical observations)
Neurogenic cardial dysfunction or cerebrocardial syndrome is common in patients with all types of acute cerebral failure. The association between cerebral injury and development of neurogenic cardial dysfunction in patients with stroke, cerebral tumors, meningitis, and especially in patients with acute aneurysmatic subarachnoid hemorrhages, is widely discussed in literature. Our observations have shown that in case of occurrence of cardiac dysfunction in patients with cerebral insufficiency we need to exclude true coronary heart disease, especially when local left ventricular contractility disorders have been registered in case of one-vessel disease with a high troponin level. It should be noted that the troponin level, which is considered to be the most important differential criterion of cerebrocardial syndrome, in both observed cases changed similarly and was of no value for differential diagnosis. CT perfusion might be another diagnostic criterion of cerebrocardial syndrome, as it can reveal an increase of blood flow in the diencephalic region as a manifestation of acute dysautonomy.