Global Pediatric Health (May 2016)
Study of 9 Cases of Tuberculosis Pneumonia in Children at Chu of Brazzaville, Congo
In the Republic of Congo, a country where tuberculosis is endemic, there have not been many reports about tuberculosis pneumonia. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and outcome of tuberculosis pneumonia in children. This was a retrospective study of 9 cases of children admitted from 2002 to 2015, that is, 0.7 cases per year. The average age was 37 months. The mean delay from the beginning of symptoms to the visit to a medical center was 36 days (range = 4-93 days). Physical examination indicated a pulmonary consolidation in 6 cases. Chest X-ray revealed a unilateral opacity in all cases. Sputum and gastric washing bacilloscopies were positive in all cases, and HIV serology was positive in 2 cases. Therapeutic observance was perfect and the evolution favorable. Tuberculosis pneumonia must be systematically proposed for children under 5 years of age, who present symptoms that are in contrast with the seriousness of chest X-ray injuries.