Problemi Ekonomiki (Aug 2016)
Estimation of the Level of Competition in the Banking Sector of Georgia
On the basis of the latest literary sources and rich factual material the article consistently analyzes and estimates the level of competition in the banking sector of Georgia. In the course of relevant studies it was found (with further confirmation in the economic life), that the competition in the banking market has certain specific features, which make it different from the competition that is present in other markets. One of important differences is that the banking market operates with money — a commodity with absolute liquidity, which can not be replaced by other commodities. Another important feature is associated with the mobility of financial capital in the banking market. There made a conclusion that, despite the fairly low level of crediting the Georgian economy, the burden of debt service on each of the borrowers is hard enough, which is caused by the high interest rates and short-term nature. Accordingly, the lowering of interest rates is not only desirable for the overall economic development but also is a prerequisite for achieving the further growth of the banks themselves.