Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine (Jan 2017)
Assessment of the Progress of Treatment Rehabilitation of Patients with Shoulder Joint Diseases
Introduction: Damage to soft tissue in the shoulder area causes significant impairment in the biomechanics of the joint, causing severe pain, inflammation and consequently leading to restricted mobility and functional capacity. The shoulder impingement syndrome is a multifaceted disease entity of diverse etiology. It is assumed that this syndrome is responsible for 44-60% of all ailments in the area of the pectoral girdle. Pathologies of soft tissues in the area of the glenohumeral joint affect 1/3 of the population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional capacity of patients with the shoulder area disorder undergoing sanatorium treatment. Materials and Methods: In the study 30 patients were diagnosed with diseases within the shoulder joint before and after rehabilitation treatment. The clinical examination included kinematic measurement of the range of motion (ROM) and the muscle strength of the shoulder joint. Furthermore, the pain intensity was assessed using the VAS. Results: The examination of the range of motion of the affected upper limb demonstrated considerable limitations and statistically significant differences before and after rehabilitation treatment for all the assessed movements. Moreover, the difference between the level of pain according to the VAS before (mean = 6.2) and after physiotherapeutic treatment (mean = 3.7) was demonstrated. The evaluation of linear relationships showed a significant correlation between the VAS and shoulder abduction, shoulder horizontal abduction and muscle strength for internal and external rotation after sanatorium treatment. Conclusions: Progressive changes in the soft tissues of the shoulder joint cause a significant limitation of functional capacity of patients and severe pain. Rehabilitation treatment significantly increases active participation in daily life and improve patient quality of life.