Hermes (Aug 2009)
Intercultural Alternatives - two Nordic Books on Intercultural Communication
The article compares two recent Nordic anthologies on intercultural communication. One volume, Askehave/Norlyk’s Meanings and Messages (2006) addresses the topic from a specific, business-oriented viewpoint, whereas the second collection, Dahl et al.’s Bridges of Understanding (2006) builds on a broader definition of the subject. This reflects on the contents, with the former relying on business as a central point of reference, while the latter highlights theoretical differences and interdisciplinarity. The review assesses the books in relation to the teaching of intercultural communication, discussing editorial aims, theoretical outlook, approach to culture, and accessibility. It concludes that the books are important because of the way they attempt to communicate Nordic research, but also that they do not quite meet the requirements that this reader makes from course literature in intercultural communication.