Proceedings of the XXth Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT (Apr 2016)

Heart Rate Variability Predicts the Ovulation in Young Women: Possible Implications for Mobile Medicine Services

  • Alexander Meigal,
  • Nina Voronova,
  • Liudmila Gerasimova-Meigal,
  • Liudmila Yelaeva,
  • Galina Kuzmina

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 664, no. 18
pp. 558 – 563


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Here we report on a variety of traditional statistic and spectral parameters, and nonlinear parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) of 23 young females (19-24 yean) during 4 phases (the early and bte follicular phases, the ovulation, and the luteal phase) of the menstrual cycle (MC), in spring and autumn seasons. We found 1hat in the ovulation phase of 1he MC, unlike to other phases, most of parameters of HRV have significantly changed. In springtime, these changes were signifiantly accentuated in comparison with autumn. AD HRV parameters during ovulation shilled in the direction of decrease of the parasympathetic nervous system activity with reciprocal increase of the hormone-hypothalamic level of cardiovascular regulation and inference of the sympathetic nervous system. Additionally, we found that heart rate during 1he ovulation phase was controlled by a lesser number of regulating sensory inputs (2 in comparison with 3 characteristic of other phases of the MC).We discuss potential usability of this fmding in respect with mobile medicine applications to strengthen awareness of a woman about forthcoming ovulation that would help planning their physical and behavionl activities.
