ETD: Educação Temática Digital (Jul 2017)

Ethnomathematical confluence intersection of native and academic worldviews

  • Tod Shockey,
  • Mitchell Bear John

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 3
pp. 712 – 735


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We adopt the concept of confluence as a metaphor to consider our ethnomathematical engagement for the past fourteen years. In this time, we have worked with students and teachers and have realized that the diversity of meanings brought to our collective mathematical commitment has had many influences. The principle of two-eyed seeing (Marshall, 2004), allows the authors a different framework through which to consider the importance of the Native worldview and a Western academic view. The confluence of the Native worldview and Western academic view is what guides our story. From the Native view we bring the richness of story and oral traditions. The Western side of our story brings forwarded a variety of academic backgrounds, e.g. mathematics education, linguistics, and anthropology. An overarching theme that we will bring forward is the affect. Affect for our students as well as us as researchers.
