Mayo de 1808 en la Prensa Gaditana de la Guerra de la Independencia
The Second of May is one of the most significant symbols originated during the Peninsular War. But the image of the citizens in arms fighting by their freedom was used with diverse purposes and different meanings during the conflict. In this sense it is observed that since in 1811 an institutionalization of the date took place, it will later be used by the Liberals initially like emblem of a freedom, which in 1812 would guarantee the establishment of the Constitution; whereas the « serviles » omit the references to that date. In 1814 the things changed, and the Second of May was used once more to call the people to the arms with the purpose of safeguarding the political system, in the case of the Liberals, while the « serviles » used the memory of the martyrs and others as a reminder that that those heroes fought against the French and for their king and religion.