Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi (Dec 2017)
Bibliotheca Tessinensis – seria edycji źródłowych Książnicy Cieszyńskiej i Ośrodka Dokumentacyjnego Kongresu Polaków w Republice Czeskiej
The editorial series Bibliotheca Tessinensis, founded in 2004, is devoted to publishing the unknown or hardy accessible source documents related to the history of Cieszyn Silesia from the Middle Ages to the present, as well as the sources of universal significance, which are stored in Cieszyn Silesia and constitute the abiding component of the cultural heritage of the region. The title of the series harks back to the edition of the bio- and bibliographical materials, planned to be edited by Leopold Jan Szersznik (1747-1814); in the publishers’ intention it grounds the series in the historiographical tradition of the region, giving it also a supranational character and outreach. Accordingly, the Bibliotheca Tessinensis is being issued in two subseries – one of them (Series Polonica) published by Książnica Cieszyńska (the Cieszyn Historical Library), and the other (Series Bohemica) – by Ośrodek Dokumentacyjny Kongresu Polaków w Republice Czeskiej (the Documentation Centre of the Congress of Poles in the Czech Republic). The consecutive volumes of both subseries, issued independently of each other, depending on the organiza tional and financial possibilities of the publishers, are prepared according to the common editorial instruction, have the same layout, and are numbered sequentially within the whole series.