Semina: Ciências Agrárias (Dec 2016)
Assessment of the healing of standardized wounds in rabbits treated serially with autologous platelet-rich plasma gel
Recent studies have been carried out to evaluate the role of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the cicatrization of wounds; however, the protocols for treatment have been based on a single application of PRP.To evaluate the effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma in gel form on the cicatrization of cutaneous wounds in vivo experimental model, wounds were induced in the dorsal areas of six New Zealand white rabbits with the aid of an 8-mm punch. The right side was used as a control (A) and treated with 0.9% NaCl, whereas the left side (B) was treated serially with the autologous platelet-rich plasma gel. Lesions were assessed over a 17-day period. At days 0, 10 and 17, the animals were evaluated and morphological and morphometric analyses of the wounds were performed. At day 17, a biopsy was performed for histopathological evaluation. Macroscopically, wounds treated with PRP showed better cicatrization and higher contraction percentages than the control wounds. Regarding the percentage of wound contraction, it was found that the average treated wound with autologous platelet-rich plasma gelwas 95% while withthecontrolwas88%. We concluded that autologous platelet-rich plasma gel is effective and accelerates cicatrization when used serially in short intervals, thus confirming its therapeutic potential in cutaneous lesions and potential as an alternative wound treatment option.