SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Oct 2004)
Planning a psychological test in the multicultural South African context
Given the dearth of psychological tests developed from a multicultural perspective in South Africa, this article contemplates how to set about developing a test plan for a test to be used in a multicultural context. Conventional components of a test plan are outlined and elaborated on in terms of the issues that need to be considered when planning a test from a multicultural perspective. Cross-cultural test design issues are illustrated by providing examples or by referring to research findings. Finally, some thoughts are provided related to who should develop the test plan when a multicultural test is to be developed. Opsomming In die lig van die feit dat baie min toetse in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel is vanuit ‘n multikulturele perspektief, poog hierdie artikel om die stappe uiteen te sit vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n toetsplan vir ‘n toets wat in ‘n multikulturele konteks gebruik sal word. Die gebruiklike komponente van ‘n toetsplan word uiteengesit en uitgebrei in terme van aspekte wat in ag geneem moet word wanner ‘n toets vanuit ‘n multikulturele perspektief beplan word. Kruiskulturele ontwerp aspekte word geïllustreer deur gebruik te maak van voorbeelde of om na navorsing te verwys. Ten slotte word gedagtes gewissel aangaande wie die toetsplan moet ontwerp as ‘n multikulturele toets ontwikkel word.