A reflowing photoresist and oxidation smoothing process is used to fabricate ultra-high-Q silicon microring resonators based on multimode rib waveguides. Over a wide range of wavelengths near 1550 nm, the average Q-factor of a ring with 1.2-μm-wide waveguides reaches up to 1.17 × 106, with a waveguide loss of approximately 0.28 dB/cm. For a resonator with 1.5-μm-wide waveguides, the average Q-factor reaches 1.20 × 106, and the waveguide loss is 0.27 dB/cm. Moreover, we theoretically and experimentally show that a reduction in the waveguide loss significantly improves the conversion efficiency of four-wave mixing. A high four-wave mixing conversion efficiency of −17.0 dB is achieved at a pump power of 6.50 dBm.