Revista de Biología Tropical (Mar 2013)
Dietary breadth of the animal protein consumed by riverine communities in the Tapajós National Forest, Brazil
In small-scale human settlements, the acquisition of animal protein is strictly related to subsistence activities, and yours dietary habits are determined by the availability and the selectivity permitted by the diversity of these resources. This study analyzed the consumption of animal protein sources in seven traditional riverine communities of the Tapajos National Forest, located in Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, considering fish, game meat and domestic animals. The analysis of animal protein consumption was based on the assumptions of the diet breadth model and the Optimal Foraging Theory. We compared diet breadths between communities and between rainy and dry seasons. The study focused on seven traditional riverside communities, six of them distributed along the right bank of the Tapajos River and one on the right bank of the Cupari River. Data collection was performed in four fields trips, two in the rainy season (May and July) and two in the dry season (September and November) in 2010. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews where the informant mentioned the source of animal protein consumed in the last three meals and which would be consumed at the next meal, if possible. We carried out a total of 470 interviews, where we documented 1 512 meals, and in only 12% of the meals there was no consumption of any animal protein source. The fish was consumed in 60.4% of the meals, being the most important source of animal protein consumed, differing significantly from other protein sources (χ²=23.79, df=5, pEn pequeños asentamientos rurales, la adquisición de proteína animal está estrechamente relacionada con actividades de subsistencia, y su hábitos alimentares son determinados por la disponibilidad y diversidad de estos recursos. Este estudio examinó el consumo de pescado, caza y animales domésticos en siete comunidades tradicionales ribereñas de la Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, ubicadas en la Amazonia oriental Brasileña. La análisis se basa en los supuestos de modelos de la amplitud de la dieta y la teoría de forrajeo óptimo, se comparó la amplitud de dieta en siete comunidades ribereñas en periodo seco y lluvioso. La recolección de datos se realizó en cuatro viajes, dos en la temporada de lluvias y dos en la estación seca en el 2010, mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas. El pescado fue consumido en el 60.4% de las comidas, siendo la fuente de proteína animal más consumida. Un total de 11 especies de animales silvestres y 46 especies de pescado fueron documentadas y la preferencia en el consumo cayó sobre T. pecari, C. paca y Hydrochoerus hidrochaeris y la preferencia por el consumo de pescado cayó sobre Plagioscion spp. Astronotus spp., Cichla spp. y Leporinus spp.