FME Transactions (Jan 2024)
Study on designing a diesel firefighting pump system for residential building
Currently, on-site diesel firefighting pump systems are significantly necessary for high-rise buildings. This study presents a process for designing diesel fire pump systems for high-rise buildings using AVL BOOST software associated with mechanical calculations. The Kirloskar CPHM 80/32 pump and DESSUN 4DSP-75 diesel engine were selected based on preliminary calculations to match the requirements of Vietnamese standards for a 79-meter building. AVL BOOST software has been used to simulate the full load performance characteristic of the engine; then, a partial load characteristic is determined for the adequate pump that requires input power at a rated speed of about 2975 rpm. The transmission consists of the propeller drive, and flanges were designed to connect the engine and pump. The findings show that utilizing AVL BOOST software is considerably helpful in determining the engine's partial load characteristics, saving time and costs. This study contributes a foundation for practical research to calculate and design the firefighting pump mechanical systems in high-rise buildings.