Здоров’я, спорт, реабілітація (Jul 2018)

Influence of the use of non-traditional means of restoration of work capacity on the functional condition of young rowers 11-12 years old

  • Zh.L. Kozina,
  • I.M. Sobko,
  • S.V. Kozin,
  • I. Garmash

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 52 – 63


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The purpose of the work is to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the use of some non-traditional pedagogical, psychological and medical-biological remedies for improving the functional state of young rowers 11-12 years old. Material and methods. In total, 43 young rowers 11-12 years old (girls) participated in this study, the average height of which was 152.3 ± 5.2 cm, the average weight was 39.01 ± 6.5 kg. The subjects were divided into 4 groups, approximately equal (p> 0,05) on the indicators of physical and functional preparedness. The three groups were experimental, in which various means of recovery were used. In the first experimental group, a pedagogical method was used to control the intensity of the load and the recovery time on subjective sensations on the Borg scale in combination with the use of massage with rubbing ointment on herbs and mumiyo, in the second experimental The group used a pedagogical method for controlling the intensity of the load and recovery time for subjective sensations in combination with the use of balsam from medicinal herbs and mumiyo, in the third experimental group used a pedagogical method of control Psychotraining was conducted after training, autotraining - on their own, individually, at will. The autogenous training (psychotraining) was accompanied by musical decoration, if desired. The control group was trained without the use of recovery tools. To test the effectiveness of the use of non-traditional means of recovery, the Novakki test was applied on a bicycle. The test subjects performed the work twice - before and after the main experiment, which lasted 8 weeks. The speed of the pedal was 60 rpm. The felt voltage (VH) was evaluated on the Borg scale at the end of each stage and immediately before the end of work. At the same time, they recorded heart rate. Results. It is shown that taking balsam on medicinal herbs and mummies has an effect on the body that stimulates and tones. This is evidenced by an increase in performance in the Novakki test. The use of these components in the ointments during massage provides a relaxing and restorative effect, as evidenced by an increase in recovery rates. Psycho- and autotraining does, although reliable, but less pronounced both as a stimulant, and a restorative effect, with its recovery effect detected more strongly. Application of psychotraining leads to a decrease in the relationship between heart rate and subjective perception of the load due to decreased sensitivity of the nervous system to feelings of discomfort in muscle activity. Conclusions. In the training process of rowers, it is expedient to apply all the means studied in this work, because they essentially complement and reinforce each other.
