BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
The role of digitalization of the banking sector in sustainable economic development
This article is devoted to the study of the security of international bank transfers between the Republic of Uzbekistan (RU) and the Russian Federation (RF) using mobile applications. The purpose of the study is the problems of ensuring the security of international bank transfers. The implementation of the goal required studying the current legislation on banking secrecy and personal data of Russia and Uzbekistan. The object of the study is the financial system of Russia and Uzbekistan, as well as the provider of electronic payments and transfers «PayNet». In the course of the study, comparative analysis methods were used based on the assessment of the regulatory and legal documentation of Uzbekistan and Russia. The study identified problems in ensuring the security of international bank transfers, which include technical imperfections of applications that allow for secure payments and transfers, and insufficient public awareness of the negative consequences of unjust enrichment. Technical imperfections are especially relevant for transactions involving different payment systems and currencies, as well as the complete absence of additional information about the recipient before confirming the information (for example, full name, patronymic and partially hidden information about personal data), which allows minimizing the likelihood of errors when entering a bank card number or mobile phone. The introduction of two-step authentication and entering an additional password will help avoid errors. The study was based on regulatory and legal acts of Russia and Uzbekistan. The study confirmed the importance and relevance of ensuring the security of international bank transfers, and the proposed measures will allow informing about the features of the payment systems, which will minimize the risks of erroneous transactions.