پژوهش در دین و سلامت (Jun 2017)

Wonders of Human Physiology from Tawhid Mofazal Perspective

  • Parisa Feyzi,
  • Saeed Forouzanian,
  • Zakieh Keshavarzi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 109 – 124


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For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Background and Objective: Mankind as one of the most complex creatures has been the subject of many sciences. One of the sciences that consider growth and health parameters of body and circumstances of its activities is “physiology”. Also, there is a considerable amount of information about this topic in Islamic religious sciences and various sources, including the Quran and religious books of saints and religious leaders who have many things to say about this topic. The main objective of this study was to get a comprehensive view of the compatibility of science and religion. Method: In this study, comparison and analysis of content as well as library research were used. Various books related to fields of Islamic sciences and books on the field of physiology and medical and religious papers were examined. In this study, all the ethical issues were considered. Moreover, the authors declare no conflict of interest. Results: Findings showed that many of the cases related to field of physiology and medicine are stated in the complete religion of Islam by religious leaders, especially the Imams who have divine knowledge and they corroborate the science of the day. Conclusion: Comparative discussion around the physiology science in both religion and experimental sciences leads us to the conclusion that the religion as a source establishes doctrines, matches experimental science, and has a lot to share. This brings us to the relation between science and religion. There is no sharp contrast between these two categories and the relationship between science and religion is confirmed. It is also concluded that religious beliefs are effective in the medical physiology and experimental sciences. Consequently, steps must be taken to hold them together. For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.
