Hydrogel polymer electrolytes toward better zinc-ion batteries: A comprehensive review
Jianwen Li,
Alireza Azizi,
Shuang Zhou,
Sainan Liu,
Chao Han,
Zhi Chang,
Anqiang Pan,
Guozhong Cao
Jianwen Li
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Electronic Packaging and Advanced Functional Materials of Hunan Province, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Alireza Azizi
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Electronic Packaging and Advanced Functional Materials of Hunan Province, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Shuang Zhou
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Electronic Packaging and Advanced Functional Materials of Hunan Province, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Sainan Liu
School of Mineral Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Chao Han
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Electronic Packaging and Advanced Functional Materials of Hunan Province, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Zhi Chang
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Electronic Packaging and Advanced Functional Materials of Hunan Province, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Anqiang Pan
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Electronic Packaging and Advanced Functional Materials of Hunan Province, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xinjiang Engineering Research Center of Environmental and Functional Materials, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China; Corresponding authors.
Guozhong Cao
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle 98195, USA; Corresponding authors.
Aqueous zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) represent a promising solution for “beyond-lithium-ion” chemistries, but certain problems hinder their further development, especially when conventional aqueous electrolytes are involved. Hydrogel polymer electrolytes (HPEs) offer opportunities to circumvent these issues. This review aims to provide a fundamental understanding of how to design better HPEs for high-performing ZIBs, through critically analyzing the recent literature. Concerns regarding HPEs’ mechanical, interfacial, and electrochemical characteristics are addressed, followed by in-depth insights into their underlying mechanisms. Possibilities for practical applications of HPEs are also discussed.