LingVaria (May 2021)

„Rozkosz dla zmysłów”, czyli język kart dań

  • Lidia Przymuszała

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1(31)


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“Delight for the Senses” or the Language Used in Menus This article is about language used in menus. The recently changing approach to cooking and eating is also reflected in language that describes food. Restaurant menus are a clear example of this. It is because eating, i. e. experiencing the taste of dishes, does not only take using our tongue, but it also involves using language. Some restaurant owners are aware of the relationship between taste and word, which is reflected in the way some dishes are described in menu cards offered to customers. The purpose of the article is to analyse menus of selected restaurants and to show some linguistic tricks used by restaurant owners to encourage customers to eat in their restaurants.
