Sociologies (Nov 2014)

Dynamiques « d’humanisation » puis de « managérialisation » d’un projet d’activité physique sur un site de lutte contre le cancer

  • Thomas Ginsbourger,
  • Philippe Terral


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The world of health opens to players that are not only medical. We propose to study how they coordinate through the participant observation of a steering committee, responsible for implementing a policy of development and promotion of physical activity on a site of struggle against cancer. We show that the evolution of this group is characterized by cognitive and strategic dimensions which vary in time and space, while being structured around two dynamics that we qualify as “humanizing” and then “managerializing”. In fact, several actors – a psychosociologist, a representative of an association of patients and the director of an association responsible to coordinate the actors of the centre – firstly collaborate to challenge the proposals of a sports physician and to assert the importance of “psycho-socio-physical” dimensions of cancer. Then, following the withdrawal of the latter and the operationalization of the project, their initial alliance disintegrates to give see divergences in methodologies, temporalities and contents of the project, revealing modes of operation, but also interests, they are not going to be reconciled.
