Wildlife Society Bulletin (Sep 2014)
Insights for contemporary hunting from ancient hellenic culture
ABSTRACT Urbanization and other threats to hunting culture have inspired growth in research that addresses the role of hunting in western society today. This literature addresses the juxtaposition of non‐subsistence hunting and modern western models of wildlife management associated with either the public trust doctrine or market economics. Insights for understanding this juxtaposition can be drawn from the historical efforts to frame hunting as a symbolic, versus subsistence, activity in ancient Hellenic (Greek) culture. For the ancient Hellenes, hunting offered the opportunity to acquire edification, test skills, and to enjoy a feeling of freedom, and did so for all citizens, even for women. Edification meant more than knowledge about hunting to the ancient Hellenes. It referred to respect for the purity of nature and a hunting ethic, and strict adherence to hunting norms. Testing skills dictated fair chase, where tools and techniques used should not eliminate the need for physical and mental dexterity. Feeling of freedom meant that hunters became useful for themselves and for society through skills acquired by hunting; a modern society might define this as self‐sufficiency or independence, which contributes to a greater societal good. These symbolic dimensions of hunting developed in ancient Hellas could provide guidelines for the social identity that hunters hope to develop in our modern world by improving hunting education, promotion, and management. © 2014 The Wildlife Society.